The Psychology of Travel Motivation: Know It All Magic of Travel Life

psychology of travel motivation for self

It’s no myth that motivated people can achieve anything they set their mind to. But how does one keep travel motivation for trips? When you are busy working and living life while your family and friends disparage your ideas. You’re overwhelm planning your trip, or maybe just burnt out from being on the road?

Motivation is not an unlimited wellspring but a battery that has to be kept fully charged. While the idea of travel is always inspiring, sometimes life gets in the way and then suddenly, your eyes are no longer on the prize.

– Mitesh Jain, Chief Travel Psychologist

What is Travel Motivation?

Travel motivation is the underlying psychological factors that drive people to travel. It is a complex phenomenon that is influence by a variety of factors. Including personal needs and desires, cultural norms and values, and the availability of time and resources. Travel motivators is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, but it is an important factor in understanding why people travel and how they choose their destinations.

Here is a simple example of travel motivation:

  • A young woman who has interest in learning about different cultures may decide to travel to Europe. She may motivate by the desire to see the historical landmarks, meet new people, and experience the different cultures.
  • A couple who is looking for a relaxing vacation may decide to travel to the beach. They may motivate by the desire to soak up the sun, swim in the ocean, and relax in a hammock.
  • A family with young children may decide to travel to Disney World. They may motivate by the desire to experience the magic of Disney, meet their favorite characters, and ride the rides.
travel motivation for self

How to Design Travel Motivators for Self?

1. Hold yourself accountable

The best thing you can do to stay focus is to be held accountable. Being accountable to others will help make sure that you don’t fall off the wagon. They will help keep you focused on your goal, and the social pressure to stay on track will provide some extra travel motive to follow through travel motivation for trips. Whether that is betting money, having someone check in on you, keeping track of goals. Or having someone help you plan, just being held accountable will force you to stay focused, even on those days you don’t feel like it!
There are a great group of people on the community forums online that can help cheer on toward your goals.

2. Research places to go

Keep reading about places you want to visit and eventually you’ll get there.  You can research travel destinations online, hotels that offer novel packages, reading news from overseas, looking up flights, reading blogs, and generally getting to know the world better. The more you learn about different places, the more you’ll think, “There are so many places to see, and no time to waste! Let’s go book a flight!”

Accountability ensures action and can force you to follow through when a lack of energy would otherwise hold you back.

travel motivation for self

3. Devote time

Stuff always seems to come up, doesn’t it? Or maybe you decide today’s the day you’re going to plan your trip but then you forget you have laundry to do. Pick a day and time you are normally not busy and devote that time to planning your trip. Make it a consistent part of your schedule and develop a habit so that it doesn’t feel like a task you “have” to do; it becomes just something you do automatically. Set thirty minutes aside each day to focus on travel or to plan your trip. Turn it into part of your everyday routine.

4. Read travel blogs

Reading about other travelers’ adventures can show you that it is easier to travel than you thought, provide advice and tips on the art of travel, and teach you about places you’ve never heard of. One day you’ll get sick of living vicariously through others, and you’ll go out and create your own travel stories. They will show you that yes, travel is realistic, practical, and financially possible.

5. Read travel life books

While reading travel blogs is great, travel books are even better because they cut deep into a destination and open it up in a way a short blog post can’t. And in that same vein, be sure to read books about the destination you are visiting so you can get a deeper understanding of the place. You can’t understand a location’s present if you don’t understand its past.

travel motivation for self

6. Meet other travelers

Sometimes it can be hard to stay motivated if the people around you aren’t supportive of your desire to travel. Hanging out on travel forums or Facebook travel groups etc. will also help you tune out the naysayers who don’t believe long-term travel is possible because you’ll see from all these people encouraging you that it really is travel motivation for trips.
An encouraging environment is a better environment! And a community of travelers telling you aren’t crazy, and this is possible will drown out all the naysayers in the world.

Summing things up on travel motive

Keeping these pointers at the back of your mind is pertinent in setting up the preconditions of staying motivated, both before and during the travel process. The idea behind every travel psychology journey is not just to experience the place, but to come back and learn from those experiences. So, write these pointers down either in your diary, travel life journey, or even on your own mobile notes. Make them as specific as you can, make sure to remember this blog (at least for a bit) during or after your amazing journey!

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